About the product 
SD card dedicated to the MAC controllers. It is used to store and move configuration files and licenses. Is required to run the controller. (for spare parts)
Product Information
What is the default IP of the device?
What Niagara version is needed to connect to this controller?
What should I do if I need to use Niagara
%HOMEPATH%\Niagara4.4\sw\inbox folder and use commisioning wizard, or use Platform‚ÜíDistribution File Installer, choose file and install.
What should I do if I need to use Niagara 4.6 and 4.7?
 Please download the 4.6 and 4.7 update files HERE, into the zipfile you will find a file named “iSMA_MAC36_files_installer_v1.0.945”, this will copy for you all the DIST files into the relevant folders.After this procedure you will need to restart the Workplace and commission your MAC36NL with the 4.6 or 4.7 version.
What are the improvements for the MAC36NL with Niagara 4.6 and 4.7?
With the release of N4.6 and N4.7 for the MAC36NL you some new features:
- Data Recovery Service
- Web Service Port Fix
What are the default platform Credentials?
User: tridium
What communication networks are available?
- Modbus RS485
- Modbus TCP
- BACnet TCP
- BACnet MSTP available for version N4.6 and N4.7.
- Mbus TCP
- Niagara Network
What features are implemented into this controller compared to the Tridium Jace?
-PX pages (web User Interface pages) HTML 5 web viewing
-Communication with Niagara controllers and Supervisors through Niagara Network
When commissioning I see this message: there is no Core software found that can be installed, what should I do?
After using the commissioning wizard to install the Station and modules, I can see into the Application Directory that there are errors regarding the Web Server and I cannot access the controller from the webpage. How do I resolve that error and access the controller through the web page?
How does the Local IOs work?
How do I change the Universal Input type?
How do I change the Analog Output type?
Delivery times
For uk clients we deliver all goods ordered by 14:00 in the next working day.